Case Studies, Presentations & Videos

Featured Case Study:

“Resin’s dynamic scaling & clustering eliminated downtime without major code alterations”

Read the Nssam ERP case study

The Korea Chamber of Commerce and Industry (KCCI) provides various National Technical Qualification test services that must be always available through the Internet on a national scale. After seeing firsthand in QA the stability and ease of use Resin provided, KCCI transitioned their entire underlying infrastructure to Resin. Not only did the migration provide stability and cost savings, Resin’s internal monitoring capabilities for their receipt, homepage, and mobile applications proved useful for root cause analysis allowing them to improve overall performance by 10%. ChosunILBO migrated away from Oracle WebLogic because the heavyweight system was slowing down web services & causing system downtime. After evaluating Resin Pro, JBoss, JEUS & WebLogic, Resin was selected due to its straightforward configuration and seamless integration with popular frameworks. With Resin Pro, ChosunILBO now enjoys higher performance, better scalability & improved productivity. As traffic to Kyobobooks’ web services increased, managing Jeus & WebLogic servers became time consuming & expensive. With the help of Xest Information Technology, they migrated their 60-server deployment to Resin GPL, which dramatically reduced costs. Soon after, they upgraded to Resin Pro giving them the performance to cope with high traffic volumes. Resin Pro provided extra performance, ease of operation & cost savings of 30%. GangnamGu sites and apps suffered frequent unknown service errors causing multiple ‘simple fault- recovery’ restarts every day. Migrating to Resin Pro reduced third party dependencies and made maintenance more efficient with detailed reports on the health of their app environment. Resin Pro’s clustering & easy configuration allowed them to improve application-processing times and expand operations.


Customer case study: Conde Nast Digital
Conde Nast Digital improves productivity while saving costs by migrating to Resin and Quercus platform.

Customer case study: Ticket Link
Using Jennifer APM solution as a performance management tool for Resin in the #1 ticket sales and distribution company in South Korea.

Customer case study: International Decision Systems
Using Hessian in a desktop financial application to communicate with EJBs.

Customer case study: LiveProcess

Deploying Emergency Preparedness and Response for Healthcare with Resin and Quercus Java-PHP solution.

Customer case study: Wazap!

Migrating Japan’s largest online gaming portal from Tomcat to Resin for handling 120 million page views per month and growing.


Caucho’s Baratine Presentation from Devoxx – US 2017

Baratine is a technical blueprint for building the next generation of scalable and high performing web applications. Baratine is developed by Caucho, who has been providing leading edge apps to developers for 19 years including Resin, Hessian binary remoting and Quercus PHP on the JVM. Baratine is GPL and experimental technology from Caucho Labs that can be used to prototype web applications, but is not commercially supported.


NY Java – Dec 2018 – High Throughput & Performance Presentation

Short Video with Describing Resin High Performance

Short Video with Animations Describing Resin Cloud Support