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 Resin Server | Application Server (Java EE Certified) and Web Server

environment: class loaders

Resin organizes resources and classloaders into nested environments. Each environment context merges its own configuration with configuration inherited from the parent environment. Each environment context: server, host, web-app, etc. may be configured with any of the environment configuration tags.



Adds dynamic classloaders to the current environment.

Each environment (<server>, <host>, <web-app>) etc, can add dynamic classloaders. The environment will inherit the parent classloaders. Each <class-loader> is comprised of several implementing loader items: library-loader for WEB-INF/lib, compiling-loader for WEB-INF/classes, even make-loader for more complex auto-compilation.

<class-loader> in resin-web.xml
<web-app xmlns="">
      <compiling-loader path="WEB-INF/classes"/>

      <library-loader path="WEB-INF/lib"/>


Configures an auto-compiling WEB-INF/classes-style class loader.

The compiling-loader will automatically compile Java code into .class files loading them.

compiling-loader Attributes
argsAdditional arguments to be passed to the Java compilernone
batchIf true, multiple changed *.java files will be compiled in a single batchtrue
encodingI18N encoding for the Java compilernone
pathFilesystem path for the class loaderrequired
sourceJava source directoryvalue of path
require-sourceIf true, .class files without matching .java files will be deletedfalse


Configures a jar library, WEB-INF/lib-style class loader.

The library-loader will add jar files in its path to the current classpath. Jar files are recognized when they have a filename extension of .jar or .zip.

library-loader Attributes
pathFilesystem path for the class loaderrequired

See com.caucho.loader.DirectoryLoader.


Configures a jar library, WEB-INF/lib-style class loader similar to <library-loader>, but will also find .jar and .zip files in subdirectories.

tree-loader Attributes
pathFilesystem path for the class loaderrequired

See com.caucho.loader.TreeLoader.


Configures a custom make-style loader.


Use of servlet-hack is discouraged. Using servlet-hack violates the JDK's classloader delegation model and can produce surprising ClassCastExceptions.

servlet-hack reverses the normal class loader order. Instead of parent classloaders having priority, child classloaders have priority.


Configures a simple classes-style class loader.

.class files in the specified directory will be loaded without any special compilation steps (in contrast with compiling-loader.)

simple-loader Attributes
pathFilesystem path for the class loaderrequired
prefixClass package prefix to only load to a subset of classesnone

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Cloud-optimized Resin Server is a Java EE certified Java Application Server, and Web Server, and Distributed Cache Server (Memcached).
Leading companies worldwide with demand for reliability and high performance web applications including, CNET, DZone and many more are powered by Resin.

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