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 Resin Server | Application Server (Java EE Certified) and Web Server

resin 3.2.0 release notes

Resin 3.2.x

Resin 3.2.x is now the development branch. Due to the addition of new features, it may be more unstable than the production branch.

The 3.1.x branch is the stable branch.

access logging

  • The access-log tag now has a hostname-dns-lookup attribute for Apache compatibility.


  • Added persistence-unit-default and persistence-unit to persistence-manager. By default, Resin no longer starts Amber automatically. A <persistent-unit> is required to start Amber.


The BAM documentation has been updated.

  • bam-service now easily configures BAM services similar to ejb-message-bean.
  • Bam services are now queued and can be used as SEDA services.
  • The BAM API has been refactored for simplification.
  • SimpleBamService implementations can use annotations like @QueryGet to implement handlers directly without dispatching.
  • BamClient is now available for easy client connection. Sending of messages is now a two step process.
  • bam_send_message is now available for PHP scripts.
  • The "caucho.php:" service now allows BamServices to be written as PHP scripts.

cluster (session) persistent store

  • Major refactoring to improve startup performance and handling of large sessions.
  • Sessions now default to serialization using Hessian.
  • Allow save-backup='false' in cases where you don't want to save backups, but do want to enable the cluster store so peer servers can obtain the current value.

comet/socket/thread refactor

Resin's socket and thread management has been reworked considerably to support larger numbers of concurrent servers. In our performance checkout of Resin 3.2.0 we were able to load Resin with 25,000 simultaneous clients.

config getenv

The configure can now use ${getenv['foo']} to get environment variables.


The -Dcaucho.smallmem command-line argument tells Resin to shrink its buffer sizes for a small-memory footprint. For example, the main internal buffer size shrinks from 16k to 1k.


Resin Professional can now be installed as a Debian package. The package download is at

Example: debian install
unix> sudo dpkg -i resin-pro-3.2.0.deb


.war files can now be deployed from the command-line.

Example: deploy
unix: java -jar $RESIN_HOME/lib/pro.jar -conf conf/resin.xml \
         deploy test.war


The default stack trace display for application exceptions is now controlled by the <development-mode-error-page> tag and defaults to false. When it's false, users will see a generic error message reporting the server and time, but no other information.

distribution changes

The Resin jars have been combined to make embedding Resin easier, i.e. avoiding massive classpaths. You'll normally only need to add 3 jars to your classpath to embed Resin.

  • JavaEE jars have been combined into javaee-16.jar
  • Resin jars have been combined into resin.jar
  • Resin-Pro jars have been combined into pro.jar

resin.xml is the new name for resin.conf. The old name will still work. The change to resin.xml will help editors and mail programs recognize the XML syntax of the resin.xml more easily.

The /resin-admin code has been moved into ${resin.root}/doc/admin.

dynamic servers

Resin now has the capability to add servers to a cluster dynamically. Each cluster will have a core of static servers and a pool of dynamic servers.


The eclipse plugin has been updated and is now distributed with the Resin maven repository.


Resin now includes an experimental <ivy-loader> that loads jars directly from an ivy-repository. The ivy-loader tag specifies the jars required by the web-app, which Resin will use to load from the repository. Currently, the ivy-loader does not automatically download jars from the repository site, just from the ivy cache.

jsf debugging

Resin's JSF now has an "enable-developer-aid" attribute to display data about the current state of a JSF page for debugging.

Example: WEB-INF/resin-web.xml
<web-app xmlns="">

  <jsf enable-developer-aid="true"/>


jms cluster

  • The cluster store now has a backup attribute, to save backup values across the cluster.
  • The cluster store can now use remote JNDI to grab the defined queue.

log rotation

Logs can now use rollover-cron for more precise rollover times.

mail notification log-handler

Resin now includes a mail notification handler, documented in the log configuration. Administrators can config Resin to send emails for WARNING and SEVERE log messages.


  • many misc bug fixes
  • Added "late static binding"


  • The admin now lets you start/stop/restart a webapp. It requires a SSL connection to be enabled.
  • The Resin-Pro admin now includes graphs for memory, cpu, and threads.
  • The Resin admin now includes request info and thread dumps, so you can see the status of the slowest requests.
  • Added "jmx" panel to display all mbeans and attribues.



rewrite-dispatch now allows a dispatcher-type element, letting you use rewrite-dispatch for forwards as well as requests.

forward and absolute-target

rewrite-dispatch <forward> now allows an absolute-target so child web-apps can redirect to a peer.

dispatch target

rewrite-dispatch <dispatch> now allows a target, so rewriting can act exactly like a normal request, not a servlet forward.

ssl (self-signed certificates)

The <jsse-ssl> tag now includes a "self-signed-certificate-name" attribute, letting you open a SSL port for administration without requiring explicit certificate generation.

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Cloud-optimized Resin Server is a Java EE certified Java Application Server, and Web Server, and Distributed Cache Server (Memcached).
Leading companies worldwide with demand for reliability and high performance web applications including, CNET, DZone and many more are powered by Resin.

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